Know the difference between blogs, forums and groups


Generally, each of the following areas of the site is to be used for the purposes stated below:

BLOGS: A blog post is insight or information that you would like to

share with the community. A blog post isn't really the right place event announcements or two short sentences and a link off the site. Also note that newer blogs bump down the older ones. Now that we have so many active users, if you post two or three blogs quickly in succession you are probably going to knock someone's content off the front page without others having the opportunity to read and comment. Please be courteous and post only one per day.

FORUMS: The forum posts work differently than the blogs. Every

time there is a new answer, it brings the question back to the top of the front page. That means that before you create a new forum post, it's a good idea to see if someone already has created a related topic that you can jump in on and add on. At this point, chance is they have! This keeps discussions building and growing instead of fragmenting.

GROUPS: The groups are a great place for niche questions that

you think only a small subset of the Edu4drr population would be interested in, or to work on specific problems with a targeted group instead of the crowd. Like forums, the groups pop to the top of the front page list whenever there is new activity. Like forums, someone has probably already created a group for your interest - it's a lot better to jump into an active group and start a discussion than start a new one and not have the people and content to support it.

Last updated by Justin Sharpe Jul 30, 2010.

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